Installing a fixed biomass boiler in Otoineppu, Japan

in the context of the dena Renewable Energy Solutions Programme


  • After the nuclear crisis in Fukushima, Japan has intensified the subsidies for renewable energies on national, as well as on local basis
  • The main focus lies on the use of domestic resources
  • The Japanese forestry has been modified, among others with the support of German experts
  • The German partner Nolting possesses outstanding technical know-how, as well as high standard facilities
  • With respect to the energy transition and the huge demand for sophisticated international technology and know-how, the support for German companies focusing on Japan becomes more important
  • The set-up of a distribution network and an after-sales-service-structure goes along with high investment costs and high risks for medium-sized companies, especially in the initial period. The support by the RES-programme reduces the risks for SME tremendously.


  • Realize a pilot plant in Japan as a beacon for German-Japanese cooperation projects

  • Professional market entrance, strategic and sustainable introduction into the market:
    Time frame for successful market entrance approx. 1-2 years
    Correspondence in Japanese
    Development of relevant Japanese PR-material
    Increase the use of biomass by articles, interviews, seminars in Japan
    Search for potential distribution partners as well as service partners

     ► Increase of the future energetic use of biomass in Japan

Location Otoineppu / Japan

Otoineppu has 860 inhabitants and therefore is the smallest village in the north of Hokkaido. However it possesses an art-school attended by students from all over Japan. For the future the village plans the introduction of a local heat-transmission pipeline. The mayor is motivated regarding the introduction of sustainable technologies for heat production, e.g. by using wood biomass. The heating boiler system serves as a reference object for the whole of Hokkaido.

The wood biomass boiler

The facility with a Nolting boiler for wood chips (type LCS-RV 300/350; power 350 kW) and fuel storage is located in separate buildings. The required amount of fuel per year amounts to approximately 516 tons. The fuel will be delivered from the surrounding area. For future purposes the establishment of a local wood chip-factory is considered. The installation site is located far enough away from the actual settlement area, to prevent any form of pollution through dust, smell or noise. The produced ash shall be used as fertilizer for the agriculture in the surrounding area.

Flow Chart

The boiler system for wood chips (type LCS-RV 300/350; power 350 kW) has already been installed and is used for heating the Amashiokawa-Onsen in Otoineppu. The boiler system is used for the additional heating of the hot spring (Onsen), as well as for the heating of buildings during the heating period. Consequently a yearly operation time of the system can be expected.

In addition to that training for distribution partners and service technicians had been executed in June 2014. Furthermore the project partner NERC had presented its products at seminars in North Japan by brochures and catalogs.

The official inauguration with an information seminar about the use of wood biomass in Germany and Japan with local representatives was carried out in Sapporo on October 31st.

This project is part of the worldwide dena Renewable Energy Solutions Programme coordinated by Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) - the German Energy Agency - and co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) within the initiative renewables – Made in Germany.

dena Renewable Energy Solutions Programme (dena RES Programme)
The dena RES Programme was developed by the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) – the German Energy Agency. This programme, co-financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the initiative renewables – Made in Germany, supports renewable energy companies entering new markets. Within the framework of the programme reference and demonstration projects are installed nearby designated institutions in different countries around the world. The installation is accompanied by comprehensive marketing and training programmes. These projects impressively present high-quality renewable energy technology.

Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)
The Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) - the German Energy Agency - is the centre of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and intelligent energy systems. dena's aim is to ensure that energy is used in both a national and international context as efficiently, safely and economically as possible with the least possible impact on climate. dena is working with stakeholders from the worlds of politics and business and from society at large to achieve this aim. Shareholders in dena are the Federal Republic of Germany, KfW Bankengruppe, Allianz SE, Deutsche Bank AG and DZ BANK AG.

renewables – Made in Germany Initiative
Since 2002 the German government has been closely involved in supporting the global dissemination and transfer of technologies for renewable energies, under the brand renewables - Made in Germany. The responsible authority, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, is thus making a significant contribution to international climate protection while promoting the worldwide acceptance and use of renewable energies.