Nexus of Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency and Climate Protection

Zoom In! Japanese-German Energy Transition Talks

In the second session of the webinar series “Zoom In!”, Japanese and German experts discussed the Nexus of Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency and Climate Protection, the different approaches and lessons learnt so far. Main focus was on the scenario-based need and usefulness of Policy Integration between Circular Economy and Climate Protection to achieve national climate change mitigation goals.

“Zoom In! – Japanese-German Energy Transition Talks” is a series jointly organized by the Japanese-German Energy Partnership Team and the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC). It focuses on current developments regarding the energy transition in both countries. Each session zooms in on a specific topic and offers decision-makers from policy, industry and research a platform for in-depth information and discussion on the current status, development and potential for different energy transition policies and technologies in Germany and Japan.


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