Zoom In! - Japanese-German Energy Transition Talks

Geopolitical Developments, COP 28 and their relevance for Energy Policy in Japan and Germany
GJETC/ Japanese-German Energy Partnership Team
22.11.2023, 09:00-10:00 CET (17:00-18:00 JST), online
“Zoom In! – Japanese-German Energy Transition Talks” is a series jointly organized by the Japanese-German Energy Partnership Team and the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC). It focuses on current developments regarding the energy transition in both countries. Each session zooms in on a specific topic and offers decision-makers from policy, industry and research a platform for in-depth information and discussion on the current status, development and potential for different energy transition policies and technologies in Germany and Japan.
In the fourth session our experts discuss important geopolitical events of the past months in advance of the upcoming COP28 in Dubai. The G7 summit in Japan in May was held in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine and growing tension with China. Following the BRICS Summit in South Africa in August important fossil energy producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and the UAE joined the group. At the G20 in India in September, combating climate change took centre stage, focussing on Green Development, progress on SDGs and the role of multilateral institutions for the 21st century. All these developments and their implications for the changing geopolitical environment need consideration looking ahead to COP 28.
We kindly ask the audience to submit questions to the experts via chat. The secretariat will look for those that fit best with the ongoing conversation to be advanced to the moderator and included in the final 15 Minutes of the discussion.